Friday, August 5, 2011

Keeping Busy!

Pearl and I have been busy the last few days.

This week, Dan had some fun training stuff, so he was gone most of the week. The first exercise he did was in the forest. It sounded to me like some fun guy game. They painted their faces and learned different techniques. I asked him if he took any cool pictures, and he said that somebody got one of him with the "baddie" (what they call the bad guys in the UK) shoving his face in the dirt after he was "captured". Sounds like some fun times huh? The next two days, he was at this "swimming pool" that mimics a terrible storm. Its pitch black, and there are huge waves and rain! They learn how to harness into helicopter rescue ropes and how to jump correctly! Sounds pretty cool! They stayed in a nasty hotel, he said it didn't even have a shower, so he thought he would run his head under the spout, but the spout had a "hot" and "cold" side! So, because everything was so gross, he ended up kneeling in the tub and splashing water on himself! ha ha. When he got home yesterday, he was just exhausted, and fell asleep really early.
The first day he was gone, was hard for me. It was really hot here ( how quickly my personal preferences change for temperature) and I didn't leave the house. I got really depressed
and really bored. I tried to call one girl I knew and she wasn't available to do anything. Poor Pearl. I really think she can somehow sense that I wasn't in a good place. Babies are so intuitive. I just kept thinking how everybody gives new moms the advice to get out of the house. My problem was that I didn't know where to go! I don't know much, and I think the depression was getting in the way of thinking. I was just stuck. It was horrible. The next day though, Pearl and I went to a town called Bury St Edmonds. We met a girl, Courtney, and her
almost 2 year old daughter, Trinity. We had lunch in the Abbey Gardens and then walked around the market day. Market days are so fun! Pearl had so much fun laying out in the shade on the blanket playing with her toys! When we finally got home, I felt like myself again. It's a good reminder
of who and how God created me to be with others. I am
very much a relational woman! I need to be around people.

Yesterday, Pearl and I went to an amazingly adorable village called "Ashley". I fell in love with it. Next time I'm there, I'll take some pics. We visited a girl I had met while at Tea a few weeks ago. Her name is Deanne. Deanne has a 9 month old daughter called Ali. Guess who also lives in Ashley??? The "sheik" of DUBAI!! How funny is that? I'll try to find his house and get a picture of it! I'm finding that Deanne and I have a lot in common, and it's so fun to watch her daughter and think that in only a few months Pearl will be doing those things as well. Right now, as close in age as they are, they are just soooo different!
The house continues to not be put together. It's so hard for me to get motivated during the few minutes I actually have. I'm craving having a home to feel comfortable in. The main thing that is hard for me is that Pearl takes short naps. I'm talking 30 minutes. Its hard to get something even started in that amount of time, and if you know me at all, you know that I am just slower paced at doing things! I like to take my time and dilly dally! I've been "growing" in that area! The other problem, is that the house is extremely loud. I'm all for "teaching" a baby to not only be able to sleep in quiet, but this is extreme! There are loud trucks that drive by, and shake the whole house! and every noise that I make just carries all the way up to the second (what americans call 'third') floor. So those noises in addition to noises while I am trying to do a "project" will wake her up. If anybody has any ideas, let me know. I already have a fan turned on in her room for some white noise. Maybe some weekend, I'll have Dan take her out for a few hours and have daddy daughter time and I'll do a bunch around here.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Checking in!

I have been in England for 2 months. Well, Pearl and I have. Dan got here 3 months ago. We continue to be amazed at the friendliness of the people both in our town (Ely, Cambridgeshire) and the military family!
The adjustment so far has been average. I have been finding it hard to not compare "this place" to "home".
To start w
ith, the trip here, with Pearl and myself, was really difficult. It started with a ten hour drive from Minneapolis to St. Louis, MO. Going thru several tornados, hiding out in tiny town courthouse basements,
and lots of tears as I tried to figure out just how I was going to get from my hotel to the St. Louis Airport with Pearl, 6 large bags, a carseat (and base!), stroller, and a pack and play.
We had a horrible experience with United's front desk people, if you want to know the story, let me know...I'll be glad to share what I have emailed United. But lets just say that Barbara Greenup was HORRIBLE. I left her counter on 3 occasions CRYING!!! That was after she YELLED at me telling me (and every customer in line) that I was the most high maintenance customer she has ever had. hmm. Was that because I requested to be seated NEXT to my nursing two month old? I'm not sure! So far, United has given us some free travel vouchers to make up for it! Dan was furious. you can imagine how a husband feels while his family is being treated really badly, and he couldn't do a thing. He was already in England, it was about midnight there.
We did make it, thanks to some nice people in the USO as well as a guy I met on the plane who ironically would be working in Dan's group. He helped me carry all our stuff to meet Dan after customs. I think he liked that we got to move to the front of the line in customs because we had Pearl!
We were glad to be united together. Dan sure missed Pearl, and she had changed so much since he last saw her! Two months to three months!
We lived in Temporary Lodging at RAF Mildenhall for about 2 weeks. While there, I ruined 3 loads of laundry. I can't believe this!! I'm 31 years old and have never ruined a load in my life. I still can't figu
re out what happened. I washed one load of COLORS (nothing was new...all several years old!) and everything turned pink from a pair of Dan's work out shorts from his first year of college!
Dan found a house for us in Ely. It is about a 25 minute drive for him to work. The house has what in America we would consider 3 levels. In England, its like this: Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor.
Its a bigger home than ours in Colorado Springs, but because it is taller, the living space is smaller than we are used to. We have been frustrated with that, and I think the dogs have been too.

Its in a great area, its only a mile walk to the town centre, and we love that.
Thats all for now, will write more to catch up later!